You can make a difference. Help us tell YOUR story! Hiring us will make an impact TODAY to help break the loop of unemployment/underemployment in the creative economy for our apprentices.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations from our clients/donors are eligible for tax deduction. 

close THE LOOP!

Your contribution helps us create quality programming. We want to prepare our students for working in the creative economy, and your generosity is essential to our mission. Any donation amount helps! $5. $10. $20. $50. $100.  Any amount you can give helps us to revolutionize the way people think about equity in media.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about re-mixing the creative economy!

Spread the word about our movement on Facebook and Instagram

The Loop Lab is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our Tax ID# is 82-3829806.